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形容病毒如何侵略 😰
▪️ The coronavirus pandemic rips through countries.
rip through sth (phr.) 席捲
▫️ A flu epidemic is raging in/through local schools.
rage through/in (phr.) 肆虐
▪️ Pandemic is causing the biggest disruption in decades to economies across the world.
cause the disruption to sth (phr.) 對...造成破壞
▫️ The ongoing virus outbreak has become one of the biggest threats to the global economy and financial markets.
beV the threat to 對...造成威脅
形容經濟如何崩壞 📉
▪️ Stocks have slid and oil crashed
slide (v.) 下滑, crash (v.) 崩壞
▫️ The fall in demand caused share prices to plunge
plunge (v.) 暴跌
▫️ Share prices tumbled yesterday.
tumble (v.) 暴跌
▪️ A free fall in global stock markets
free fall (n.) 是自由落體、只股市暴跌
▫️ Global shares take a hit
take a hit (phr.) 重挫
▪️ Oil has slumped to to prices not seen since June 2001
slump (v.) 萎靡不振
▫️ 其他可以表達下跌的動詞:decline/drop/fall
▪️ 可配上副詞:significantly/dramatically/hugely/greatly
形容失業率如何飆升 📈
▫️ Joblessness/The jobless rate has spiked
spike (v.) 通常指在下跌前上升至非常高的數量 (類似用法 peak)
▪️ The number of people filing for unemployment hit a record high
hit a record high (phr.) 破最高紀錄
▫️ stalled/weakened economies (p.p.當adj.) 停滯的/削弱的經濟
▪️ growth set to stagnate (v.) 成長停滯不前
▫️ global economic recession 全球經濟大蕭條 💸
形容政府各項措施 🧟♂
▪️ Central banks in many countries have slashed interest rates.
slash (v.) 大幅削減
▫️ travel restrictions (n.) 旅遊禁令
▪️ Trump administration has banned travellers from entering the US.
▫️ ban sb from Ving (phr.) 禁止誰幹嘛
▪️ boost (v.) the economy. 振興經濟
▫️ contain (v.) the virus 抑制、控制疾病
▪️ lockdown/shut down (n.) (v.) 封城
▫️ hoard/stockpile (v.) 囤貨 🧻
▪️ suspend school/business operations 停課/停止商業活動
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延伸閱讀 Since 除了自從,還有「因為」的意思!4種使用「since」的方式
延伸閱讀 content 除了目錄之外,可能還有許多你不知道的意思!6種使用「content」的方式
延伸閱讀 又是困難、又是努力,盤點7種使用「hard」的方式
延伸閱讀 都是解決!了解 solve 跟 resolve 的差別
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延伸閱讀 酒駕的英文怎麼說?看漢娜的遺言 學英語
英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE
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延伸閱讀 多益常見常考的介系詞片語整理 // collocation
延伸閱讀 出國玩跟海關說 I will live at this hotel 哪裡怪?
延伸閱讀 多益常見常考的情緒形容詞 ed 跟 ing 怎麼分?
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