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 闖紅燈的英文就是 run the red light 不要闖就是 Don't run the red light

Don't run the red light or you'll get fined!


 紅綠燈的英文不是 red green light 就是交通號誌的英文 traffic light (可數)

The traffic lights changed to/turned green as we approached the junction.


 路邊停車的英文不是 stop 而是 pull over

Just pull over here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way.


 不守交通規矩亂過馬路的英文就是 杰倫走路 Jaywalk (動詞)

To walk across a street in violation of traffic law, especially by crossing outside of a marked pedestrian crosswalk at an intersection.


 荷蘭有名的紅燈區就是英文直翻 red-light district (賣淫妓院集中的地區)

A red-light district is a part of a city where people and businesses sell sex.




 紅燈 red light 常用於表示停止的訊息

I'm really not interested in dating Rob, and I thought I gave him a red light, but he keeps pursuing me nonetheless.


 綠燈 green light 除了可以用在交通號誌上,也常用於商業中表示案子通過了,可以開始著手了的意思唷

When we get the green light, we’ll start.


 黃燈 yellow light 可以用來表示「應該慢一點」 Despacito~~

I would not ask her out yet, dude—she was totally giving you the yellow light. Sally took the comments from her teacher as a yellow light not to push for extra credit just yet.




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