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重點是 Jennifer Aniston 裡面神正! 

拍這部到現在都不知道過了幾年了 連 Brad Pitt 都跟 Angelina Jolie 離婚了 


一樣一集短短 20分鐘,輕鬆又有趣! 





經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E06





Friends 六人行 S01E07 英文筆記



1. 大停電 (n.) :blackout


Power lines were blown down and we had a blackout of several hours.

延伸影音  安雅英文|新聞英語 815 blackouts 全台大停電 in English



2. (房屋的)前廳,門廊 (n.) :vestibule

I'll wait for you in the vestibule.




3. (電話)請誰接聽 (phr.) :put sb on (the phone) 

Can you please put Jack on the phone?



4. 撞球桌 (n.) :pull table

I want to buy a pool table in my house!



5. 好人區 (n.) :friend zone


You know you're in the friend zone when she asks you for relationship advice.

I can't believe she friend zoned me.



6. 慢慢來不趕 (phr.) :take your time

Take your time and don't rush!



7. 結果是... (phr.) :end up + Ving/adj/地方

(也可以用 wind up)

I cannot believe I end up losing the game!!

I cannot believe he ended up in jail!!



8. (尤指大型動物的)屍體 (n.) :carcass

Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.



9. 想了之後 (phr.) :on second thought


On second thought, I decide not to marry him.



10. 迷戀誰 (phr.) :have a crush on sb

I had a crush on him when I was in elementary.













 英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE 



Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E01

Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E02

Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E03

Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E04

Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E05

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E01

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E02

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E03

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E04

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E05

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E06

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E07

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E08

Gossip Girl 花邊教主 / 緋聞女孩 / 八卦天后 1-1

Gossip Girl 花邊教主 / 緋聞女孩 / 八卦天后 1-2




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