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又到了一天要睡 10小時的季節了 





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 專業氣象預報」使用 cold current, cold wave

cold current 指的是冷氣團的那種冷

cold wave 則是強力寒流!


Every time when the cold current comes, Anya always stays in bed for the whole day.


The cold wave that occurred in January 2003 resulted in the death of about 900 people.

(2003 年一月那場強力寒流造成約900人死亡。


current 這個字有「各種流」的意思,舉凡電流、水流、氣流、潮流...等


Salmons are known to swim against the current to spawn.


Switch off the electric current before changing the bulb.




 短暫的寒流」使用 cold spell, cold snap


Be careful! We're going to have a cold spell soon! Make sure you put on more clothes when you go outside.


I wonder when the cold spell will pass.


There was a cold snap after Christmas.



spell 這個字有「符咒;魔法」的意思

施魔法使用 cast/put a spell on sb

解除魔法用 break/stop the spell

爲(某人)著迷 be under sb's spell


The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.


A beautiful girl would have to kiss him to break/stop the spell.


Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell until the prince woke her with a kiss.






When Anya hibernates, she sleeps for 6 months each time, twice a year.




bye for now~~ 續眠~~ 




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    Ms. Anya

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