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這集還發現了 Jennifer Aniston 很愛激凸! 

原本以為是導播沒注意到,網路上一查發現是他個人的 style 

算是給男性觀眾的福利吧 哈哈哈 


一樣一集短短 20分鐘,輕鬆又有趣! 





經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E06

經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E07

經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E08

經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E09

經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E10

經典美劇 Friends 六人行 S01E11





Friends 六人行 S01E12 英文筆記



1. 子宮 (n.) :uterus

Conception is the moment when a fertilized egg implants itself in a woman's uterus.



2. 胎盤 (n.) :placenta

At birth, the placenta is removed when the umbilical cord is cut.



3. 受夠了 (phr.) :I'm done with sth

I'm done with this low-paid job!



4. 開始行動 (phr.) :make a move

It's late - I think it's time we made a move.



5. 分期付款 (n.) :layaway

Could I buy/put the dress on layaway?



6. 得分 (v.) :score

It's hard to score 9 on IELTS.



7. 搭訕 (v.) :hit on sb

A lot of guys hit on me at the bar last weekend.



8. 看出 (v.) :see

The teacher could see the children had been fighting.



9. 經常出入(某場所);(與某人)廝混 (phr.) :hang out

You still hang out at the pool hall?

I've been hanging out backstage with the band.



10. 懦夫,膽小鬼 (n.) :wuss

(= a coward, chicken)

Damian, you're such a wuss!











 英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE 



Modern Family 摩登家庭 S01E01

Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E01

Gossip Girl 花邊教主 / 緋聞女孩 / 八卦天后 1-1





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