這集還發現了 Jennifer Aniston 很愛激凸!
原本以為是導播沒注意到,網路上一查發現是他個人的 style
算是給男性觀眾的福利吧 哈哈哈
一樣一集短短 20分鐘,輕鬆又有趣!
Friends 六人行 S01E11 英文筆記
1. 昏迷(狀態) (n.) :coma
He's been in a coma for the past six weeks.
2. 兼職 (phr.) :on the side
He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.
3. 別那麼害羞了,該出去交交朋友了 (phr.) :come out of your shell
Come out of your shell, Jamie. Go out and make some friends.
4. 夠了,不用了,沒關係 (phr.) :I'm good!
A: Do you want one more beer?
B: Nah, I think I’m good.
5. 億 (n.) :a hundred million
I've thought about it a hundred million times.
6. 人渣 (n.) :scum
People who organize dog fights are scum in my opinion!
7. 次要角色 (n.) :a secondary character
He is a secondary character not the main one in this movie.
8. 球拍 (n.) :racket
(a tennis/squash/badminton racket 網球/壁球/羽毛球球拍)
He threw his racket across the court.
英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE
Netflix 自創影集 Selling Sunset 日落豪宅 S01E01
Gossip Girl 花邊教主 / 緋聞女孩 / 八卦天后 1-1
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