🌵 和好 make up
They kissed and made up, as usual.
🌵 化妝品 make-up (n.) 可數
I put on a little eye make-up.
She wears a lot of make-up.
🌵 組成 (常使用被動 beV made up of)
The class is made up of 1 teacher and 30 students.
🌵 補償 make up for sth
He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before.
🌵 彌補 make up for sth
This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.
🌵 彌補, 補足 make up sth
You'll have to make up the work you missed while you were away.
🌵 討好, 奉承, 巴結 make up to sb
Have you seen the disgusting way she makes up to the boss?
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