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🌵 grill (v.) 烤肉 / 拷問

I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it.

He has been grilled by the police for two days.


🌵 question (n.) 問題 (v.) 質疑

Do you know the answer to this question?

How dare you question me?


🌵 table (n.) 桌子 (v.) 擱置, 延後, 暫緩

We're going to have to table this discussion for now.

The suggestion was tabled for discussion at a later date.

🌵 suit (n.) 西裝 (v.) 適合

He wears a nice suit!

It suits you well.


🌵 store (n.) 商店 (v.) 儲存

I go to that local store every Sunday.

Squirrels store nuts for the winter.


🌵 water (n.) 水 (v.) 澆水

Doctors suggest drinking adequate water every day.

I forget to water the flowers.


🌵 contain (v.) 包含 / 控制 (疾病)

The meal contains a piece of bread, meat, and vegetables.

People all hope the COVID-19 can be soon contained!







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