1. 通道;途徑;(接近某地或某人的)機會(或方法);(使用某物的)權利 (n.) :access
Unidentified cyberterrorists gained access to e-mails and financial details of customers.
Let me turn the computer on, enter my code and access the computer system.
2. 網際網路 (n.) :the Internet
(也可簡寫為 the Net)
I found out about the bombings from/on the internet.
3. 垃圾郵件(通常指廣告) (n.) :spam = unwanted advertising
I get so much spam at work.
4. 搜尋引擎 (n.) :search engine
The search engine just took your three words and assumed you were looking for sites with references to any of them.
5. 彈跳式廣告 (n.) :pop-up ads
(pop-up shop 也有快閃店的意思)
On a computer screen, a pop-up advertisement is a small window containing an advertisement that appears on the screen.
6. 書籤 (n.) 將(某綱際網路網址)保存起來 (v.) :bookmark
Keep this site as a bookmark.
Don't forget to bookmark this page.
7. 瀏覽器 (n.) :browser
(動詞 browse 為瀏覽,逛街想自己逛就可以說 I'm just browsing)
The latest version of the browser allows you to listen to the radio while you surf the net.
8. 下載 (v.) :download
(相反詞上傳為 upload)
Buyers can download his latest novel to read on a mobile device.
9. 登入 (v.) :log in/on
(相反詞上傳為 log off/out)
Log on using your name and password.
Can anyone log in to this system?
10. 試算表程式 (n.) :spreadsheet
(如 excel 或是 numbers)
If at all possible, set up your budget in an Excel spreadsheet on your computer.
11. 印表機 (n.) :printer
This printer is out of order, again!
12. 影印機 (n.) :copier = photocopier
A paper jam occurs when a piece of paper is stuck or 'jammed' in a printer or photocopier.
13. 掃描機 (n.) :scanner
The warehouse operator uses bar code scanner to scan all the products.
14. 組成部分;成分;零件 (n.) :components
The factory supplies electrical components for cars.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet.
15. 顯示器,螢幕 (n.) :monitor
I want a big big big computer monitor.
The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
16. 螢幕 (n.) :screen
(the small screen 指電視; the big screen 指電影)
Our television has a 19-inch screen.
He's made several films for the small screen.
So this is your first appearance on the big screen?
I always screen my calls while I'm eating dinner.
screen sb out 塞選後淘汰 We quickly screened out over a hundred candidates.
17. 滑鼠 (n.) :mouse
Double click on your mouse and you can access the file.
18. 病毒 (n.) :virus
The virus deletes files and corrupts essential core microchips leaving computers unusable.
19. (電器設備的)轉換插頭,轉接器,適配器 (n.) :adapter
I need a USB type-C to USB adapter.
20. 使(機器、電腦程式等)升級;提升,提拔(某人) (n.) :upgrade
(相反詞為 downgrade「(使)降級;(使)降職;貶低;輕視」)
It's very simple to upgrade the indexing software.
There were no seats left in economy class so we were upgraded to business class.
1. The advertisement that suddenly appears on the computer screen
答案:pop-up advertisement
2. To add it to my list of favorites.
答案:to bookmark
3. unwanted advertising.
4. To bring it up to date.
5. A screen that lets you see what your computer is doing.
6. A machine that lets you make copies of the documents that you create on your computer.
7. Small parts of something.
8. A device that you hold in your hand and move across your desk to control the cursor.
9. Exit this site.
答案:log out
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