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新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《人資與招募》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《招募求職廣告》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《飯店訂房》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《住宿交通》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《簽訂合約》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《餐飲觀光》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《購物血拼》







1. 通勤 (v.) :commute

(同義詞還有 travel,通勤者為 commuter)

It takes me about 45 minutes to commute to work by car; if I go by bus, it takes an hour!



2. 塞車(n.) :congestion

(congestion 為不可數名詞,而另一個塞車 traffic jam 則為可數名詞)

I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour yesterday.

There is heavy congestion on Highway 26 every day during rush hour.



3. (供中轉旅客換乘的)接駁交通工具(如公車、火車、飛機等) (n.) :connection

If the flight is late, we'll miss our connection.



4. (火車)出軌 (n.) :derailment (動詞為 derail)

I was late to the conference because there was a derailment just outside the city.



5. (沒有事先告知的)臨時拜訪 (v.) :drop in = drop by = come by  

Be sure to drop in to our new store on Main Street and see all the wonderful products we have to sell.



6. 交叉路口;十字路口 (n.) :intersection  

Turn right at the next intersection.



7. (尤指飛行途中的)短暫停留 (n.) :layover

We had a four-hour layover in Chicago.



8. 淡季 (n.) :off-season

(相反詞為 peak season)

Because the hotel is on the coast, winter is its off‐season.



9. (車輛)駛進,駛向 (v.) :pull into

(比較:pull over 為車輛停靠路邊)

After a 5‐hour trip, the train is about to pull into Union Station.

I pulled into the empty parking space.



10. 茶點;點心和飲料 (n.) :refreshments

Light refreshments will be available at the back of the hall.



11. 滯留 (adj.) :stranded

Because we missed our connection, we were stranded in New York for the night.



12. 飛機跑道 (n.) :runway

When it snows, planes often get stuck on the runway.



13. 飛機起飛 (v.) :take off

(這個字也有 1. 事業起飛 2. 脫掉衣服 的意思)

The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.

延伸閱讀  5 個常見與 take 搭配的片語動詞



14. 飛機降落 (v.) :land


We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.



15. 亂流 (n.) :turbulence

(這個字也有 騷動;動盪,混亂 的意思)

We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.

There are signs of turbulence ahead for the economy.



16. 夜間航班,紅眼航班 (n.) :red-eye

We caught the red-eye from LA and got to New York at five this morning.



17. 套裝行程 (n.) :package tour

When I travel, I like to go on a package tour so I don’t have to plan anything while I’m on vacation.



18. 旅行計劃,預定行程 (n.):itinerary


The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary.



19. 貨物;貨運 (n.):freight

Freight trains transport goods all around the country.



20. (待客用的)食物,飲料;招待,款待 (n.):hospitality

(這個字也有 熱情好客,殷勤,友好的意思)

This hotel has great hospitality; they have a free wine tasting in the lobby every night!

The local people showed me great hospitality.






1. My wife planned the complete i________ for our trip to Mexico next month.

答案:itinerary letter

2. I got in so late because there was a 3‐hour l______ in Denver.


3. We made the mistake of going to Hawaii during the p_____ s______; every hotel was booked solid.

答案:peak season


4. I don’t enjoy taking r_______ flights because I never seem to get a good night’s sleep.



5. The flight attendant brought by a r__________ cart mid‐way through the flight.



6. When it snows, planes often get stuck on the r_______.



7. We experienced strong t_______ while flying through the mountains.



8. He left me s_______ in town with no car and no money for a bus.

答案:stranded, check out, charged


9. There was an accident at the i________ of 7th and High Streets.












 英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE 

延伸閱讀   職場英文請假怎麼請?就用 Take 吧!各式各樣的理由還有實用對話

延伸閱讀   花時間、花錢英文怎麼說?一次搞懂 spend、take、cost 的用法

延伸閱讀  多益常見常考的介系詞片語整理 // collocation

延伸閱讀   出國玩跟海關說 I will live at this hotel 哪裡怪?

延伸閱讀   多益常見常考的情緒形容詞 ed 跟 ing 怎麼分?



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