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新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《人資與招募》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《招募求職廣告》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《飯店訂房》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《住宿交通》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《簽訂合約》

新制多益TOEIC 必考單字《餐飲觀光》






1. 特許經營權;特許銷售權 (n.) :concession

(這個字也有 (對學生、老少或失業人士的)價格優惠,減價 的意思)

We don't have our own stores, but we operate concessions in several major department stores across the state.

You can get travel concessions if you are under 26.



2. 連鎖店 (n.) :chain store

(這個字還有一連串的意思,例如 a chain smoker 老菸槍, chain killer 連續殺人魔)

She has built up a chain of 180 bookshops across the country.



3. 消費者 (n.) :consumer

(消費品為 consumer goods)

The new rates will affect all consumers, including businesses.



4. 向~收費 (v.) :charge sb for sth

(把…記在…的帳上 charge sth to sb's account)

How much do you charge for a haircut and blow-dry?

Charge the bill to my account, please.



5. 價錢為;需花費 (v.) :cost + 錢

延伸閱讀  花時間、花錢英文怎麼說?一次搞懂 spend、take、cost 的用法

It costs a lot to buy a house in this part of Sydney.



6. 賒購,賒帳,信用貸款 (n.) :credit

(名詞還有「學分」的意思, credit card 為信用卡)

They decided to buy the car on credit.



7. 記在~的帳上 (v.) :debit

(debit card 為現金卡,刷卡金額上限為帳戶的錢)

The unauthorized borrowing fee will be debited to your account.



8. (尤指為購買房產)出價,報價 (n.) :offer

(名詞還有「提議;主動幫忙」,或是 娉書)

I've made an offer on a house in XinYi District.

(尤指短時間內的)折扣 Don't miss out on our latest offer. 

"If you like I can help out." "That's a very kind offer."



9. 減價,打折 (n.) :discount

They usually give you a discount if you buy multiple copies.



10. (因為購買的商品不合適而去商店)換貨 (v.) :exchange


If you don't like the gift, you can exchange it.

I exchanged those trousers for a larger size.



11. 零錢 (n.) :change

(keep the change 不用找零了)

兌換 (v.) I need to change my dollars for/into English money.

把…換成零錢 (v.) Could you change a 1000 note (for two 500), please?

還有改變; 換的意思 (v.) She's just changed jobs.



12. 價格; 價錢; 代價 (n.) :price

(at the high/low price)

The price of oil has risen sharply.

Perhaps being unpopular is the price of success.



13. 零售 (n.) :retail

$13 off the manufacturer's recommended retail price

The job is open to applicants with over two years' experience in retail.



14. 批發; 批發價 (n.) :wholesale 

I bought my coat direct from the factory at wholesale.

We only sell wholesale, not to the public.



15. 販售的; 出售中的 (phr.) :for sale

This is not for sale.



16. 特價中的 (phr.) :on sale

Can you tell me if this dress is in the sale?



17. 發票; 收據 (n.)  :receipt

(invoice 則是(供之後支付的)費用清單)

Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy.



18. 帳單 (n.) 給…開立帳單 (v.) :bill


They sent us a bill for the work they had done.

Please bill me for any expenses you incur.



19. 需求 (n.) 要求 (v.) + to VR :demand

(還有 demand that S + (should) + VR 的用法)

There was little demand for tickets.

I demand to see the manager.

She demanded that he return the books he borrowed from her.



20. 供給量 (n.) 供應,提供,供給 (v.) :supply

(supplies 生活必需品,日用品)

Three people have been arrested for supplying arms to the terrorists.

Whenever she goes out with her baby, she always takes a large supply of baby food with her.

The refugees are urgently in need of food and medical supplies.

供應不足,短缺 Strawberries are in short supply this summer.






1. Prices often come down when s__________ of a product increases.


2. Prices often go up when d__________ for a product rises.


3. For all your office equipment needs, come to Berkshire and Hunt, where you will find a large range of products _____   _____.

答案:on sale


4. It is usually cheaper to buy electronic goods on the Internet, where p______s are generally lower than in the stores.



5. A lot of stores have been forced out of business because their c______s (including rent, electricity, and staffing) is too high.

答案:costs food


6. Prices in most stores are fixed, but it is often possible to ask for a d________.



7. A lot of people s_______ too much money on fast food when there are far healthier options available in the stores.



8. The company p______ a lot for its new computers, but believes it has been worth the investment.



9. Electronic c__________ goods such as hi-fi's, televisions, computers and cameras can be bought very cheaply on the Internet.












 英文口說主題式課程|雅思IELTS/ 托福TOEFL/ 多益TOEIC/ 全民英檢GEPT/ 劍橋KET/PET/FCE 

延伸閱讀   職場英文請假怎麼請?就用 Take 吧!各式各樣的理由還有實用對話

延伸閱讀   花時間、花錢英文怎麼說?一次搞懂 spend、take、cost 的用法

延伸閱讀  多益常見常考的介系詞片語整理 // collocation

延伸閱讀   出國玩跟海關說 I will live at this hotel 哪裡怪?

延伸閱讀   多益常見常考的情緒形容詞 ed 跟 ing 怎麼分?



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