1. 近幾年,隨著科技的進步,小筆電似乎已被平板電腦(tablet)所取代。
In recent years, with the development in technology, it seems that laptops (laptops seem to) have been replaced by tablets.
2. 我個人認為後者比前者較輕且更為個人化。
As far as am I concerned, the latter is lighter and more personalized than the former.
3. 專家經常建議民眾少吃紅肉,多吃蔬菜與規律運動。
Experts often suggest (that) the public (should) eat less red meat and more vegetables and exercise regularly.
4. 大多數人都是到健康有問題時,才意識到作息規律的必要性。
Most people are not aware of the necessity of keeping good hours until they have a health problem.
5. 妳能想像飛得和鳥一樣高嗎?
Can you imagine flying as high as a bird?
6. 為什麼不告訴她她不像以前一樣嚴厲?
Why not tell her she is not as stern as she used to be.
7. 現在是你把你的憂愁拋諸腦後的時候。
It’s time that you left your worries behind.
8. 現在是我們改變宿命的時候。
It’s time that we changed the destiny.
9. 當個好鄰居可不容易。
Being a good neighbor is not easy.
10. 有許多共同點是他們為什麼是好朋友的理由。
Having a lot in common is why they are good friends.
11. 我喜歡買二手書,因為那比新書便宜多了。
I like to buy used books because they are cheaper than new ones.
12. 典禮的型態(types)由家庭決定。但傳統的比較常見。
Types of ceremonies depend on the family. But traditional ones are more common.
13. 面對生命中最大的挑戰,她準備好失敗了然後從中學習。
Faced with the biggest challenge in life, she is prepared to fail and learn from it.
14. 出生於中國,這位有名的哲學家希望有機會可以回到故鄉。
Born in China, this famous philosopher hopes to have the chance to return to his hometown.
15. 如果破了百米賽跑的世界紀錄,你就可以得到一百萬獎金。
If you break the world record for the 100-meter race, you can win an award of one million dollars.
16. 如果我和他結婚,我就可以從此過著幸福的ㄧ生。
If I get married to him, I can live a happy life ever after.
17. 有著(因為)決心與努力,那位肢體障礙的運動員贏得馬拉松賽。
With determination and efforts, the physically challenged athlete won the marathon.
18. 隨著冬天的到來,越來越寒冷的天氣使他沮喪不已。
With the coming of winter, the increasingly cold weather gets him down.
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