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像是 水 water、時間 time 等等,這些字的重點就是全部沒有複數的形式(也就是不可以加s)

一起來看看考試中 多益 TOEIC、全民英檢、學測、指考 常出現的不可數名詞


1. weather 天氣

例句:The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days.

We're going to have a picnic, weather permitting (= if the weather is good enough).

  常見搭配詞:bad 壞/good 好/cold 冷/dry 乾/hot 熱/stormy 暴風雨/warm 溫暖/wet 潮濕 weather

延伸閱讀  take a rain check 拿一張雨的票?五個常用與天氣有關的俚語



2. *love 愛

例句:Meg asked me to send her love to you and your family (= tell you that she is thinking about you with affection).

"I'm visiting Mark next week." "Oh, please give him my love" (= tell him I am thinking about him with affection).




3. electricity 電

例句:Many people are living in the city with no electricity or running water.

The electricity has been turned off.

 常見搭配詞:an electricity bill 電費




4. attention 注意

例句: They're organizing a campaign to draw people's attention to environmental protection.

I always give you my full/undivided attention when you're talking (= I'll listen to and think about only you).

 常見搭配詞:pay attention to + N 注意

延伸閱讀  多益常見常考的介系詞片語整理 // collocation



5. wealth 財富

例句: During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.

* an amount of 用來描述「很多」只能用於不可數名詞

 如果拿來當「大量」解釋,則用單數形式出現 a wealth of 用法同 an amount of 只能用於不可數名詞

例如: Anya has a wealth of teaching experience. 



6. money 錢

例句: I wanted to buy it but it cost too much money

Anya always spends a great amount of money investing in herself every year.

Money is tight/short (= we don't have much money) at the moment. 手頭很緊

延伸閱讀  只會用無趣的rich描述有錢嗎?來學其他八種說法

延伸閱讀  花時間、花錢英文怎麼說?一次搞懂 spend、take、cost 的用法



7. travel 旅遊

例句: I had a lot of business travel this year.

Elon Musk makes it possible for people to experience air/space travel.

延伸閱讀  我可以跟你們借廁所嗎?用borrow為什麼錯?

延伸閱讀  出國玩跟海關說 I will live at this hotel. 哪裡怪?

延伸閱讀  訂房時 twin room 跟 double room 差在哪?加床服務英文怎麼說



8. traffic 交通

例句: There was heavy/a lot of traffic on the roads this morning.

We got stuck in traffic for several hours.

 常見搭配詞:traffic congestion 塞車,一樣不可數 / the traffic in drugs/the drug traffic 毒品非法買賣

延伸閱讀  不要闖紅燈的英文怎麼說?杰倫走路 Jaywalk 又是指什麼



9. *paper 紙

例句:This card is printed on recycled paper

She works on paper (= writes things on paper) because she hates computers.

 常見搭配詞:a piece/sheet of paper 一


例句:The photo was on the front page of all the papers. 報紙

Candidates must answer two questions from each paper. 考券

I have to read a lot of papers every day. 論文



10. *business 生意

例句: My father's in business. 經商

Our firm does a lot of business with rich customers. 

This new tax will put a lot of small firms out of business. 倒閉


例句:The two brothers established/set up/started up an online retailing business.




延伸閱讀   TOEIC 多益檢定900分 金色證書考試技巧分享。閱讀篇

延伸閱讀   TOEIC 多益檢定900分 金色證書考試技巧分享。聽力篇

延伸閱讀  職場英文請假怎麼請?就用 Take 吧!各式各樣的理由還有實用對話

延伸閱讀  多益常見常考的介系詞片語整理 // collocation



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    Ms. Anya

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