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1. can drink (a lot)

He can really drink a lot and won't get drunk.

2. can drink like a fish (豪飲, 飲酒過度)

He's an alcoholic and drinks like a fish every day.

3. can hold one's liquor (well)

A salesperson must be able to hold his liquor well.

4. have high alcohol tolerance (較正式) 

Even though I have high alcohol tolerance, I only drink occasionally and moderately.




1. not a drinker

I am not a drinker.

2. can't drink

He really cannot drink so don't liquor him up (灌醉).

3. can't hold one's liquor 

I can’t hold my liquor very well.

4. have low alcohol tolerance (較正式) 

She has low alcohol tolerance and is allergic to alcohol. (對酒精過敏) 




How well can you / do you hold your liquor? 




1. to drink more (wine) than sb

I can drink more wine than you.

2. can hold one's liquor better than sb

I can hold my liquor better than you (can).

3. to drink sb under the table

I can drink you under the table.



好孩子要滿 18歲才可以喝酒喔

然後喝酒不開車唷!  以上~

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