Gossip Girl 花邊教主/緋聞女孩/八卦天后,進入第二集了
這集來自紐約 Brooklyn 的 Humphrey 兄妹戲份越來越重了
其實我一直瞞不愛他們家的個性 ,但是又戲很多
Dan Randolph Humphrey (Penn Badgley飾演)
GG 裡的 lonely boy 就是他
把自己形容成局外人,小時候跟他打過招呼的女神 Serena
Jennifer Tallulah Humphrey (Taylor Momsen飾演)
之後開始濃妝就有點討厭了(包含個性也是.... XD)
Gossip Girl Season 1 Episode 2 - The Wild Brunch
1. have a thing for/about sb./sth. 對某人或某事有強烈的感覺 (喜歡或討厭)
英英:to like or dislike something or someone very much.
GG: Rumor has it- he's always had a thing for serena.
例句:I have a thing for ice cream. I just can’t get enough of it!
2. take one’s own life 自殺
英英:to kill oneself = hang oneself = commit s suicide.
Serena: He tries to take his own life.
例句:Jacky tries to take his own life after being two-timed by his wife twice.
劈腿的英文看這邊 【英語】 生活|感情遇小三、小王。戴綠帽、綠綠der、出軌、偷情、外遇、偷吃、劈腿 英文怎麼說
3. have a crush on sb. 喜歡某人 crush 也可以當成名詞意思是愛慕的對象
英英:To have a romantic infatuation with someone, especially unbeknownst to that person.
GG: looks like his childhood crush has returned.
例句:I had a crush on John when I first saw him in hallway.
4. make an impression on sb. 對某人留下印象
英英:to produce a positive memorable effect on someone while one is present.
GG: Jenny made an impression on chuck.
例句:Tom made quite an impression on the banker on his first job interview.
5. check up on sb. 檢視/檢查某人
英英:to find out what someone is doing in order to make certain that the person is behaving correctly or legally.
Jenny: And you're checking up on me.
例句:Dad is always checking up on me to make sure I’m doing my homework.
6. a shred of + 單數名詞 / 些許微量的 (常與 hope, evidence 搭用)
英英:a very small amount of something.
Dan: no, nothing except my last shred of dignity.
例句:There isn't a shred of evidence to support her accusation.
7. get in line = queue 排隊
英英:a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something.
Hotel custodian: he can get in line behind that guy.
例句:Please get in line in order to purchase a concert ticket.
8. child-rearing = parenting (n.) 養育子女
英英: the work of taking care of children until they are old enough to take care of themselves.
well, i can't say much for his child-rearing skills, but bart bass knows brunch.
例句:Discipline plays an important part in child rearing, because it helps the child develop an understanding of telling right from wrong.
9. hydrangea (n.) 繡球花
英英:a bush on which there are round groups of pink, white or blue flowers.
10. atelier (n.) (藝術家的)工作室;畫室;雕塑室
英英:a room or building in which an artist works.
Blair: must be some drama at the atelier.
例句:Christine turns her room into aterlier to be able to work from home.
sb. + 11. beV + going places 有成就,發展很好
英英:to be likely to be successful in the future.
Blair: she's really going places.
例句: I knew that Sally, with all her talent, would go places.
12. deflower (v.) 取走女生的第一次
英英:The act of taking the virginity of a girl.
Chuck: I'm honored to be playing even a small role in your deflowering.
例句:After the rainbow party, Mary said she was tired of being the only virgin in the seventh grade and asked me to deflower her.
13. D-day (n.)(二戰期間同盟國進攻歐洲的)登陸日,開戰日
英英:the day during the Second World War when the Allies began their
invasion of Europe by attacking the coast of northern France.
GG: Sparks were flying for sure, but will it be a 3-way or d-day? what is she doing here? i was meeting nate.
例句: The D-Day landings began on 6 June 1944, when Allied forces invaded Normandy.
14. 15 minutes (of fame) pop art 普普風大師 Andy Warhol說過的名言:
英英: is short-lived media publicity or celebrity of an individual or phenomenon.
GG: his name (means Dan) is oh, who cares? now that he and s. are over, so are his 15 minutes.
例句: In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes
15. side with sb. (v.) 和誰站在同一陣線
英英:to join with someone; to take someone else's part; to be on someone's side.
GG: Will J be a loyal soldier or will she side with s?
例句:Why is it that you always side withhim when he and I argue?
16. not even close (idiom) 還差得遠呢
第一集英文筆記請 【看影集學英文】 Gossip Girl 花邊教主/緋聞女孩/八卦天后 1-1
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