



喔喔~~看了一部好精采的電影,Jessica Tristan 在攻敵必救裡面飾演一位為了達到自己理想而不折手段的厲害女人

但看到最後也不覺得 Sloane 真的如此的不近人情或是沒血沒淚,只是覺得為了做自己認為該做的事而有所犧牲罷了




Elizabeth Sloane: 

Lobbying is about foresight, about anticipating your opponent’s moves and devising countermeasures.



The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition and plays her trump card just after they play theirs.



It’s about making sure you surprise them, and they don’t surprise you.








 plays one's trump card 出王牌

對,就是美國總統 Donald Trump 的 trump


 plot one step ahead 早一步密謀

plot 可以當動詞當密謀 也可以當名詞 就是電影情節的意思

例如: The movie has a very simple plot.






New ways to assess and treat female sex offenders.jpg

 behind bars = in prison (adv.) 坐牢

例句: He's spent most of his life behind bars.




 take the oath (phr.) 發誓

例句: Medieval knights took an oath of loyalty to their lord.

這個字也蠻常出現在 HBO影集 冰與火之歌裡面 Games of Thrones

be under oath = to have formally promised to tell the truth 必須遵守誓言

The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.



圖1. butter up拍馬屁。.jpg

 butter sb up (v.) 討好某人; 拍馬屁

to be very kind or friendly to someone or try to please someone, so that that person will do what you want them to do

例句: You'll have to butter them up a bit before they'll agree




 get to the point (phr.) 講重點; 不要廢話

例句: Please get to the point (= say the thing that is most important to you).





 rile sb so bad (v.) 惹火某人

to make someone angry

例句: Don't let her rile you.

其中的 bad 是副詞 表示 very much 的意思






 gorge oneself on sth (v.) 狼吞虎嚥

to eat until you are unable to eat any more

例句: If you gorge yourself on snacks like that, you won't eat your dinner.

gorge 當名詞有峽谷的意思





 the ship has sailed (idiom) 木已成舟; 無法改變; 錯失機會

used to establish an opportunity lost

例句: Paul hoped to get back together with his ex-girlfriend,

but he finally realized "that ship has sailed" when he heard she married another.




 arm-in-arm (adv.) 肩並肩挽著手臂

When two people are arm in arm, they both have one arm bent at the elbow and passing around and supporting,

or being supported by, the arm of the other person.

例句: We walked arm in arm along the river bank.




 in the right frame of mind (phr.) 有心思; 在對的心境下

例句: I'm not in the right frame of mind to think about this question.




 armed to the teeth (idiom) 全副武裝

carrying many weapons

例句: The gunman was reported as being armed to the teeth and equipped with both a rifle and a pistol.





 in character (idiom) 入戲; 進入角色

例句: I'm in character.




 that’s a wrap (phr.) 結束; 收工了


例句: That’s a wrap and let's go home.




 clear one’s debt (phr.) 結清負債 = pay off one's debt

注意 debt 的 b 不發音


 hare-brained (adj.) 指一個人或計畫很笨或不實際 not practical or silly


 under your belt (phr.) 指某人已獲得的成就

to have learned or succeeded in something that might be an advantage in the future

例句: He already has lots of awards under his belt. 


 a shred of difference (phr.) 極少; 極微量 = a small amount of sth

常跟這些詞一起使用 a shred of hope 一絲希望

a shred of evidence 絲毫證據

例句:There's still a shred of hope that a peace agreement can be reached.

There isn't a shred of evidence to support her accusation.


 sb have/has no equal (phr.) 沒對手 = 無人可比 = 第一名 = 最好的

例句:When it comes to math, he has no equal.


 go easy on sb (phr.) 對某人寬鬆; 好一點

to treat someone in a gentle way, esp. when you want to be or should be more severe

例句: Come on, she's new! Go easy on her! 

 點飲料時 easy on the ice 就是少冰的意思





其他電影的 quotes 請參考 這邊

資料參考: Cambridge Dictionary

圖片來源: Google

延伸閱讀  電影大娛樂家 Rewrite The Stars《改寫命運》中文歌詞 // 英文歌詞解析
延伸閱讀  Call me by your name 以你的名字呼喚我 // 電影筆記




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